A concerned pet parent rushed her senior dog to the vet only to discover he had put on an Oscar-worthy performance.
Tiffany Rowan’s 18-year-old dachshund, appropriately named Oscar, is a bit of a momma’s boy. She told Newsweek that he always wants her to carry him around. But when she couldn’t hold him one time, he panicked. He came up with a solution to demand her attention by acting as if he was hurt, pulling on her heartstrings.
“I was working, so could not hold him right then,” she said. “That is when he comes out of the bedroom limping.”
In the November 4 TikTok posted to her account, @mamatiffsworld, Oscar slowly hobbled his way over to her. He jumped with his three other working paws to inch closer to her. He stopped every so often just to make sure she was watching him.
“I scooped him up so fast and took him to the vet because I thought he had maybe jumped off the bed or something and broke his foot,” she said.
Instead, the vet revealed that he was nothing but a big “faker.” She said the vet took X-rays and let her know that “everything was perfect.” When she found out, she put him back on the ground, and he immediately started wagging his tail.
“He takes off running like a puppy,” she said. “All I could do was laugh because he got what he wanted, which was me to hold him.”
He truly sold it, and everyone believed him. TikTok users couldn’t stop laughing at the dog’s performance.
“He knows what buttons to push,” commented one viewer.
Another suggested: “This terrible injury has been caused by the lack of treatos. Administer treats = Instant cure!”
A third added: “He’s a dachshund, you should expect nothing less. They sure make great companions.”
Knowing he’s a senior fur baby, several viewers expressed concern over his joints and possibly arthritis. “Sad thing is that poor baby probably does hurt all over I know humans do at all the age,” wrote one.
Rowan responded: “For his age he does really well. He never whimpers or whines like in any kind of pain. Of course, he is aging and moving slower but he is living his best life! Always has!”
Do you have funny and adorable videos or pictures of your pet you want to share? Send them to [email protected] with some details about your best friend and they could appear in our Pet of the Week lineup.
Source link https://www.newsweek.com/owner-rushes-18-yer-old-dog-vet-gives-hilarious-diagnosis-2003531