Meghan Markle has posted a touching tribute to her beloved dog, Guy, who recently passed away. The Duchess of Sussex adopted the beagle from a rescue centre in Canada in 2015, before she entered the royal family. The emotional video posted on her new solo Instagram account, @meghan, shows how deeply loved the canine companion was within the Sussex household. He can be seen plodding around their kitchen whilst Meghan makes jam, accompanying Prince Harry and Archie at the stables, and enjoying picnics with the Duchess and Lilibet, as well as walks on the beach. The tribute offers a rare glimpse into the Sussexes’ daily life, one that we may see a tad more of with the release of With Love, Meghan.
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“In 2015, I adopted a beagle from a dog rescue in Canada. He had been at a kill shelter in Kentucky and given a few days to live. I swooped him up… and fell in love,” the royal wrote on Instagram. “If you followed me on Instagram back in the day, you saw a lot of him—and on The Tig too. He was with me at Suits, when I got engaged, (and then married), when I became a mom… he was with me for everything: the quiet, the chaos, the calm, the comfort. […] Because many of you will now see Guy in this new series, I hope you’ll come to understand why I am so devastated by his loss. I think you may fall a little bit in love too. I have cried too many tears to count—the type of tears that make you get in the shower with the absurd hope that the running water on your face will somehow make you not feel them, or pretend they’re not there. But they are. And that’s okay too.”
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