Hannah Henschen, the animal care manager at the shelter, said the man who dropped them off said he found them in a box along Morse Road in freezing temperatures.
FRANKLIN COUNTY, Ohio — The Franklin County Dog Shelter is now caring for 10 puppies after they were brought to their facility more than a week ago.
Hannah Henschen, the animal care manager at the shelter, said the man who dropped them off said he found them in a box along Morse Road in freezing temperatures.
“They were very lucky that he found them quickly, it was very cold that day… We quickly got to action making them get warm, feeding them, and then I took five and then we found another foster for the other five,” Henschen said.
Henschen said the focus at first was to do everything they could to help them survive.
“The biggest concern with puppies without moms is hypothermia, which in temperatures like that is very risky, as well as hypoglycemia, so not being able to eat and having very low blood sugar,” Henschen said.
Defying the uncertain odds, the puppies survived, earning them the name, the Morse Road Miracle Pups.
Now, Henschen said they require around the clock care.
“Right now, they are still eating every two to three hours including overnight,” Henschen said.
Henschen believed based on the size of the litter the puppies are likely a larger breed mix.
“Probably large breeds or pitbull mixes,” Henschen said.
At the shelter, there’s always a need for more supplies. Henschen said they currently could use heating pads, bottle warmers, and puppy pads as they get older. Puppy toys and even children’s toys are also welcome.
“Because all those different noises and sounds and different lights and movements is really good for socialization,” Henschen said.
Henschen said the puppies will likely be available for adoption by the end of February or early March.
Source link https://www.10tv.com/article/news/local/franklin-county-dog-shelter-caring-10-puppies-found-along-morse-road/530-9cf018c4-9106-4165-b996-89a23b0d6583